Multi Track Sachet Filling machine

Model- AP-300L-2Lane

The multitrack sachet filling machine is used to fill liquid or powdered substance in different sized sachets simultaneously without creating any difference in the fill volume or product weight. For instance, a typical machine can produce six to seven filled sachets per cycle, thereby allowing the businesses to meet up with the demand and handle bulk orders with ease. changeovers are pretty easy for our product, which means that you can use a single equipment to fill different sized sachets or handle multifarious products with ease. There’s no need to use multiple equipment units, each dedicated for a specific product and sachet size.

Some of the salient features of our multitrack sachet filling machine are:

  • Thanks to superior precision control feature, every sachet is filled with equal volume of the product without any miss. The operator can change the fill volume any time using the touchscreen control panel.
  • It is manufactured with high-quality materials that won’t form rust or suffer from other types of corrosive damage in the long run.
  • The filling speed is quite high, which is why multiple sachets can be produced every minute. Also, accuracy and precision are maintained throughout to ensure no difference can occur in the fill volume.
  • Fill product or sachet size can be altered with ease, thereby allowing packaging workshops to use a single equipment for all their products.
  • The sachets are sealed tightly, without leaving any opening. Hence, there’s no need to use a sealing machine separately.